LivingInfo Systems
New Zealand: IRD 100925298.
LivingInfo Systems Limited is proudly 100% New Zealand
owned and operated.
LivingInfo Systems
Australia: ABN 91292425429.
Services other
than site visits are offered worldwide.
LivingInfo Systems Limited is a
Registered Member of the Microsoft Partner Programme, member number
2567262, as of 2008.03.19.
May be made by:
- Direct deposit to New Zealand bank account:
B.N.Z. 02-0144-0318720-002.
- PayPal New Zealand.
- Direct deposit to Australian bank account:
A.N.Z. 012010 518128367.
- PayPal
to Australian bank account.
LivingInfo Systems
is owned and operated by
Michael Hodgson.
Copyright Notice:
All software developed by LivingInfo Systems is the intellectual property of LivingInfo Systems.
LivingInfo Systems exists in New Zealand as a registered limited liability company; and in Australia as a registered sole-proprietorship.
Both companies are completely and exclusively owned by Michael John Boyack Hodgson.
The name "LivingInfo Systems," and the form, "livinginfosystems" are copyright and intellectual property exclusively of Michael John Boyack Hodgson.